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A ray of hope for all seizures patients!

Remove epilepsy with ayurveda.

In these 45+ years of service, we have continuously worked to make your life a little easy & happy by trying to overcome your fear of seizures.

We have truly felt the pain you go through due to Seizures and also the sufferings of your family. In a very true sense, we felt your pain too. And so with every coming day, we are giving our best to knock out Epilepsy from your life.

We use ancient Ayurvedic experience combined with the most advanced scientific research to give instant and long-term assistance to people suffering from epilepsy. We focus on adjusting the Doshas which are the main reason for epilepsy. Our Ayurvedic treatment line significantly decreases the severity and repetition of the fits. Our research-based Ayurvedic goods and natural remedy rules for epilepsy have been the foundation of our success in providing the most suitable treatment to epilepsy patients worldwide.

Our mission is to win the fight against epilepsy & to overcome the challenges of living with seizures. We at Neeraj Clinic bring back your lost confidence, teaching & finding the cures of Epilepsy to save lives.
It's time to take action together.

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Want to know more about epilepsy? Fill the form

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder that causes repeated seizures. Approximately 0.5% of the population is affected by epilepsy. Seizure which is also known as fit occurs due to the temporary change in the electrical functioning of the brain. In normal conditions, the tiny electrical impulses are generated in an orderly pattern from the brain. But, in epilepsy, the brain's electrical rhythms tendency becomes imbalanced resulting in unpredictable seizures. Grand Mal Seizure: Also known as a tonic-clonic seizure. The person experiencing this seizure may fall on the ground, lose consciousness, have stiff muscles, even bite their lips or tongue, loss of bladder control. Partial Seizure: In partial seizure, only some particular portions of the brain experience unusual electrical activities. The symptoms of a partial seizure depend on the affected area of the brain. Simple Partial Seizure: A person having a simple partial seizure aware of the event that took place with them. Their limbs feel the jerk & they may find an unusual sensation in their body. Complex Partial Seizure: Affects only one part of the brain. A person experiencing a complex partial seizure is unable to have control over movements & talk. Afterwards, they do not remember anything at all.

Who Should Be Approached For Epilepsy Diagnosis And Treatment?

A person who is suspecting epilepsy should immediately go to a primary care doctor (pediatrician in case of children) for evaluation. If the doctor suspects seizures after doing some tests, he/she will probably refer the patient to a neurologist for further treatment. Some neurologists are specially trained in treating this disorder.

When Does Epilepsy First Present?

Epilepsy can affect anyone, either male or female of any age. However, mostly it starts either in childhood or in people above 60 years old. It is usually lifelong but, sometimes it gets better slowly with time.

What Are The Essential Seizure First Aid Measures?
Tonic-Clonic Epileptic Seizure First Aid

If you are with a person who is experiencing a tonic-clonic seizure, make sure to follow these steps:

        ●  Stay cool & calm with the affected person.
       ●  If they have something (food or fluid) in their mouth, roll them aside.
       ●  Make sure to protect them from any kind of injury.
       ●  Put some soft material like a pillow under their head & all their tight clothes should be loosened.
       ●  Console the affected person until they heal.
        ●  After the jerk stops, gently roll the affected person onto their side.

If person Experiencing A Seizure Is In A Car Seat Or A Wheelchair

A person having a seizure sitting in a car seat, wheelchair, or stroller, then you must follow these steps:

        ● Leave the person seated by fastening the seat belt.
        ● Wheelchair breaks must be on.
        ● If it is a flexible wheelchair, then the chair must be in a locked position.
        ● Their head needs support until the seizure ends.
        ● Slightly tilt the person to one side for drainage of any fluid in the mouth.
        ● After the completion of the seizure, if the person wants to sleep or is facing trouble breathing, take them out from the chair & put them in the recovery position.
        ● If they are still facing a breathing issue, call an ambulance & be vigilant with the person. You also need to be prepared for the CPR procedure if breathing stops.
        ● CPR techniques for adults vary from the CPR procedure for young children & infants.

What Are The Causes Of Epilepsy?

There are about 180,000 new cases of seizures each year. Approximately 30% among them are children. Typically, brain injury is the common cause of the seizure. A few of the major reasons for epilepsy are:

        ● Low oxygen level during birth
        ● Head injuries
        ● Genetic conditions
        ● Brain tumours
        ● Stroke or any other brain injury
        ● Abnormal sodium & blood sugar levels
        ● Development disorders like autism & neurofibromatosis
        ● Before birth injuries like poor nutritional level, oxygen deficiencies or brain damage from an infection in the mother's womb.
        ● Infections like meningitis & encephalitis.

Should You Call For Emergency Assistance If Someone Experiences A Seizure?

If someone is suffering from a seizure, the very first step that you need to take is to stay calm, loosen the patient's clothes, clear their mouth if anything is inside their mouth, and stay with them even after the seizure ends.
However, if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, the patient does not wake, experiencing another seizure, etc, you can immediately call 911.

How Is Epilepsy Treated?

After a person gets diagnosed with epilepsy, there are several treatment ways of epilepsy. Medication, a special diet, an implant that operates on the nerves or brain, and surgery could all help. Oral medications have advanced in recent years, and are now able to control the seizures of around 70% of people with epilepsy. Although, the medications have few side effects and manage to be tolerated well. At present, there are more than 15 different types of medication that treat epilepsy.
These medicines have incredible benefits & allow people to live a normal life but they are still not a cure for the problem.

Do’s & Don’ts For Those Diagnosed With Epilepsy?

Some common do's don'ts if a person is suffering from epilepsy are:


        ● Take regular medicine without fail
        ● Avoid quacks
        ● You must ensure that there are no sharp objects near the person
        ● If there is an attack, make sure to lie down the patient.


        ● Avoid eating unwashed fruits & partially cooked leafy vegetables. They may have tapeworms that can cause epilepsy.
        ● During the attack, make sure that the patient doesn't have anything in their mouth.

Epilepsy In Children?

Over 45,000 children under 18 years are diagnosed with epilepsy every year.
Children suffering from epilepsy are known as pediatric epilepsy. They require special care & attention for effective treatment.

The Epilepsy Foundation concludes that two-thirds of children with epilepsy discontinue seizures with time when they reach their teenage years. Most children can discard seizures and limit side effects with an organized care system.

A pediatrician may diagnose epilepsy in a child if the child has had more than one seizure that any other condition did not cause. Fits are more likely to happen during the very first year of life.
Epilepsy affects one child to another differently, as per their age, the type of seizure they experience, how great they respond to epilepsy's treatment, and any other existing health states.

In some cases, oral medication can efficiently control seizures whereas other children may undergo lifelong difficulties with seizures.
Although the symptoms of pediatric epilepsy vary from child to child, some of the common pediatric epilepsy symptoms are as follows:

        ● Staring
        ● Shaking of the arms and legs
        ● Body stiffening
        ● Loss of consciousness
        ● Breathing issues or even stopping breathing
        ● Loss of urine control
        ● Falling suddenly for no obvious reason
        ● Not reacting to noise or words for short periods
        ● Looking confused or in a haze
        ● Nodding head rhythmically, when losing awareness or consciousness
        ● Periods of speedy eye blinking and staring

What does the patient have to do for General Diseases such as Fever or Cold?
Along with our epilepsy medicines, a person can take any allopathic/ ayurvedic/ homeopathic medicine for general diseases like fever or cold.

What should be done if the Patient forgets to take a dose of Anti-epileptic Drugs?

More than 80% of patients irregularly miss a dose of their anti-epileptic medication. Health practitioners plan for their patients what to do if one dose of their medication is missed. Many patients may not even memorise if a dose was taken by them or not. In such a scenario it is more beneficial to take an additional tablet within the same 24 hours period rather than skipping.

What do you suggest to Patients who are already taking allopathic medicine? Do you stop their Medication or let it Continue?

All of our medicines are free from any side effects.
In almost 95% of cases, we suggest the patient stop their allopathic medicine if they are starting our course. However, in only 5% of cases, we ask the patients to continue their allopathic medicine along with ours because there is no harm in continuing both together.

What about the Patients who are taking Allopathic Medicine of Epilepsy from other Doctors and are feeling OK. Should they have to stop those Medicines while taking our Ayurvedic Medicines?

If a patient is feeling OK while taking epilepsy medicines from another doctor with our ayurvedic medicine (brain tonic), then they can continue the other medicine with our brain tonic.