Can a person with epilepsy go to college

Can a person with epilepsy go to college

Most epileptic teenagers can become full-time students and continue their education. It is a huge step forward for everyone to continue their education at the university level. However, it also brings about changes. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people with epilepsy to perform poorly in college. You will have more material to learn, and it will be more difficult. Epilepsy can slow your attentional rate or rate of information processing. There will be a lot of memorizing to do. Therefore you will require even more restful sleep. Memory problems can also be caused by the emotional and mood degeneration commonly associated with epilepsy, which is usually caused by stress, anxiety, or sadness. Because you will meet new people, it may be necessary for you to be more open about your epilepsy.

But don't worry. We'll tell you what you need to do to have a good first year. Speak with your doctor about any challenges you may be having with career planning, future education, and suitable jobs.

How can your doctor help you during your college years?

If the student is under too much pressure, he will most likely not perform to his full potential. The Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic strives to relieve epileptic patients' stress, worry, and anxiety during their university studies. The Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic is one of three institutes in India by the government to provide complete Ayurvedic treatment for epilepsy.

Seizures are well-known to be triggered by stress. Dhyana, or meditation, is one of the most effective methods for calming the mind and healing the body. Meditation also improves blood circulation and reduces the generation of stress hormones. Meditation also raises neurotransmitters like serotonin, which are known to relax the nervous system. Furthermore, the practice of relaxation techniques such as yoga meditation is widely known for aiding in treating epilepsy episodes. This can be accomplished by collaborating closely with your doctor.

What you can do to make your college years less difficult

Ayurveda advises the following methods for dealing with exam-related stress:

•       A healthy stomach will aid in the maintenance of a calm and energized mind.
•       Milk, almonds, raisins, cottage cheese, green vegetables, and seasonal fruit should be consumed more frequently because they help to keep the digestive system strong.
•       Eat as many fresh, handmade meals as possible.
•       Cook with ghee or clarified butter or season with it.
•        Apply sesame oil to your entire body and head.
•        Add ginger, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, and mustard seeds to your recipes.
•       Drink a glass of warm water or herbal tea. As a sweetener, use honey.
•       Practice meditation for at least 10-15 minutes each day.
•       To calm your mind and body, practice'shavasana,' or dead position.
•        Take one teaspoon of licorice powder with warm water or milk once a day.
•       Soak seven almonds overnight. Remove the skin and consume it the next morning.
•       Burning aromatic oils/incense sticks such as lavender and lemon will assist in relaxing the mind.

How should I explain my epilepsy to others?

Are you having seizures? You're not alone, and epilepsy affects millions of individuals globally. Dare to stand up to prejudice and speak out about your sickness. I know it isn’t easy, but if you persevere, you'll discover who your true friend is and who you can rely on.

What is the first step for acceptance?

To adore oneself. Self-love entails accepting oneself as it is and having affection for one's intellect and body. We must first understand our feelings and thoughts and accept ourselves as we are, and developing a positive self-concept is the first step toward loving ourselves.

Love yourself first for your success and happiness because you can only give people love and care if you first love yourself. Then, find a high-quality relationship with those that matter to you, and you will discover how satisfying it is to be welcomed in your community.

Although it may appear challenging, loving yourself is worthwhile. If you love yourself, you will be happier and more capable of loving others.

It is difficult to achieve favorable results with treatments unless you accept yourself as a person living with epilepsy.

Sleep is the key to vivid memory and learning

Although we are not conscious during sleep, serious processes take place in the brain: when new memories are fixed in our brain, an organic connection between our old and new memories is formed during the hours of rest. Previously, several studies have highlighted the importance of sleep in learning, which can be traced back to the brain's hippocampus. The more we sleep, the better our memory and ability to learn, and the easier it is for new information to stay in our brains.

However, a lack of rest has a very bad effect on the hippocampus, the brain area that creates and consolidates memories. It is a big fashion among college students ahead of the exam day to study all night and then fall into the morning exam tired. This is not effective in terms of learning, and it is very important to spend as much time as possible on sleep. Failing this, the ability to absorb new information can be reduced to as much as 40%, which is a nightmare before a university exam.

According to sleep researcher Dr. Matthew Walker, pre-sleep learning prepares our brains to accommodate and shape memories. And during sleep, a processing procedure takes place, and the information is integrated into the knowledge base of the human brain. However, we can only learn something perfectly if we repeat what we have learned after sleep.

How can I educate people about epilepsy? What need I do to be treated as a team member at university?

Purple Day, where the Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic also participates with great dedication, aids with this. Purple Day is marked on March 26 to educate the public and raise awareness about the importance of not fearing epilepsy. People are encouraged to wear purple and hold events to raise epilepsy awareness. If you're not a man of words, there are epilepsy groups that could offer epilepsy lectures to people. You can also go to the Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic, the greatest ayurvedic epilepsy clinic willing to help you with this issue. Bring your friend from the university, even your teacher, and we will help them understand your condition and void negative misconceptions.

The Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic is one Indian institution that has been at the forefront of raising awareness about epilepsy and how it affects people's lives.

On March 26, 2022, Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic held a free camp in our clinic and provided free treatment with six months of medications to 143 patients. These patients are all from low-income families. On the free camp day, we also provide breakfast and lunch for everyone.

Dr. Gupta, the Director of Neeraj Clinic, is an Ayurvedacharya with 45 years of experience in the treatment of epilepsy. Dr. Gupta said of a free camp program to raise Purple Day awareness: "There is a good probability that epilepsy can be successfully treated if diagnosed in its early stages. Because they do not have regular medical examinations, many people do not realize they have epilepsy until it is too late. throughout the two-week program , people can get a free Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis) screening from Ayurvedic experts."

Let’s face it, the life of a college student is not easy. If you have epilepsy, it will consume even more energy. You need to pay attention to your studies while learning to accept and love yourself. The Purple Day promotes the acceptance of epilepsy and helps eradicate the misconceptions people have about this disease. The Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic can help you with all this. The best Ayurvedic experts in the world work for us. Come to our clinic in Rishikesh for a consultation and we can provide you with a life free of seizures.

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