
How Does Epilepsy Affect Fertility And How Can Ayurveda Help?

Several studies have indicated that people with epilepsy have fewer babies than the general population. This is most likely due to a combination of factors, including:
• Social variables - People with epilepsy are less likely than the general population to marry and have children. This, in turn, may be linked to issues with social development and low self-esteem.
• Sexual aspects - Epilepsy and anti-epileptic drugs can affect sexual desire and arousal.
• Physical factors - Epilepsy and anti-epileptic medications might impair fertility.

People who are having fertility issues should consult their doctor because there are therapies available.

Antiepileptic medicines have been found by researchers to affect fertility differently in men and women. Let's look at male and female fertility concerns individually now.

Antiepileptic drugs may affect semen quality

Doctor Agarwal and his colleagues from the University of Kanpur presented the study about the implications of epilepsy on fertility. This is the first study of its kind from India. The research was conducted to assess fertility in adults with epilepsy. They concluded that males had lower fertility than females. Men with partial-onset epilepsy are reproductively at more disadvantage.

Other scientists made a comparative study about the effect of epilepsy and antiepileptic drugs on male reproductive health. Men with epilepsy have reduced fertility, and antiepileptic drugs may affect semen quality. Taking carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, or valproate are associated with sperm abnormalities in men with epilepsy. There’s a small amount of evidence that levetiracetam may also affect the number and quality of sperm you produce. Moreover, animal studies suggest that valproate may be associated with testicular atrophy.

Antiepileptic drugs may affect menstruation

Infertility refers to a woman's failure to conceive or her inability to carry a full-term pregnancy.
Menstrual abnormalities, such as the absence of menstruation, mild menstruation, or variable cycle lengths, are common in epileptic women. Some anti-epileptic medicines, such as valproic acid, might cause irregular or absent menstruation. When the medicine is withdrawn, this generally resolves.
One study looked at ovulation in women who had temporal lobe epilepsy, generalized epilepsy, or no epilepsy at all. When compared to the other two groups, women with temporal lobe epilepsy were more than three times more likely to have a menstrual cycle in which no egg was produced from the ovaries. Obviously, this could lower their fertility.
Changes in female hormones before or during menstruation have been demonstrated in studies to increase seizure frequency in some women. Catamenial seizures are seizures that occur around the time of one's cycle.

There is a risk of unplanned pregnancy while taking antiepileptic drugs

In general, women with epilepsy have the same birth control options as other women. Medicines, however, can interfere with hormonal birth control methods, increasing the risk of unintended pregnancy. Some anti-epileptic medications, such as carbamazepine, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone, and topiramate, might cause interactions with hormonal birth control tablets. Other anti-epileptic medications, such as benzodiazepines, gabapentin, levetiracetam, valproate, and vigabatrin, do not appear to interfere with hormonal birth control techniques.
Women with epilepsy can safely use barrier methods of contraception, including condoms and diaphragms.

It is critical that women with epilepsy consult with their doctor and epilepsy care team to choose the optimal method of birth control. Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic is the Best Ayurvedic Epilepsy Treatment Center in Rishikesh. We have various alternative treatments for epileptic patients for seizure relief. Our doctors have great experience in the Ayurvedic treatment of pregnancy in women with epilepsy. Come to the Neeraj Clinic for a consultation, where we will find the solution to your problem with a professional team.

Treating fertility problems with a help of Ayurveda

Diet, mental instability, inappropriate physical activity, lifestyle, and stress can all have an effect on the menstrual cycle and contribute to the development of a Doshas imbalance. Ayurveda promotes well-being by enhancing the body's inherent self-healing and balancing processes, and it does not rely on any external or foreign factor to replace or correct the body's hormones.
According to Ayurveda, the most important variables in the conception process are not merely healthy sperm and ovum. There is an equal or possibly more emphasis placed on metabolic function, hormonal balance, and mental/emotional wellness, as well as the relationship between these aspects and healthy sperm/ovum.

Management of infertility in Ayurveda.

Sattvik diet

Diet is critical in the prevention and treatment of illnesses, as well as the maintenance of good health. The life force is abundant in the Sattvik diet or cuisine. This is necessary for regulating ovulation, improving fertilization, and promoting appropriate feeding of reproductive tissues. Consuming complete foods supplies all nutrients for the liver's health, as well as fibers that modify the body's hormone levels.
Dietary maintenance necessitates careful adherence and devotion to foods that improve Ojus (an intersection factor for the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the body that is responsible for general health, stamina, and energy) and the elimination of things that deplete Ojas.
A sattvic diet consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lentils, and pulses that are locally accessible, seasonal, and freshly prepared. Sprouted beans are also regarded as superior sources of nutrition. Sattvic milk is generated by cattle that are raised outdoors and are naturally grass-fed rather than grain-fed livestock.
A diet high in stimulants such as alcohol, smoke, coffee, and refined sugars will be devoid of life energy and may exacerbate the problem of infertility.
Also, they cannot be deemed sattvic:
- seedless grapes that have been genetically engineered
- Meat tainted with antibiotics and hormones - Carbohydrates added

Regular Detoxification Our bodies amass different complex substances and metabolic waste over time as a result of a mix of internal and external causal factors, which is known as AMA.
AMA is thought to have a deleterious impact on a variety of physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral processes. This has a direct impact on men's sperm quality and ovulation regularity.
To guarantee that the mind and body are in optimal condition to procreate, it is critical to cleanse the body (internal system) of toxins and nourish it with optimal nutrition.

Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment principles

Agni deepana and Ama pachana
For the sustenance of sperm and ovum, a series of metabolic processes leading to food being converted to nutrients and diverse body tissues must be ideally balanced at every stage.
Agni is a good digestive fire, capable of metabolizing nutrients and absorbing the finest essence from them, which is necessary for nourishing reproductive cells.
The creation of Ama (toxins formed when food forms undigested in the stomach) as a result of Agni imbalance contributes to a variety of ailments.
Panchakarma Therapy seeks to eliminate Ama and hence rectify Agni.
Starting your day with a glass of warm ginger tea with digestive spices such as cumin and ajwain helps ensure that the Agni is engaged and maintained to aid in healthy tissue feeding.

Vatanulomana The principal dosha related in infertility is Vata. Vatanulomana is also crucial in the treatment of infertility. Ayurvedic medicines, as well as frequent exercises and a rigorous nutrition plan, will aid in Vatanulomana.

Prior to sodhan, effective sneha-swedas are conducted. Depending on the patient's state, treatment procedures such as Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purification), Vasti (mediated enema), and Utharavasti specialized enema given via urethral or vaginal channels are then used.

Ayurvedic herbs

Infertility is not a standalone condition. It is the result of another form of the disease. The herbs employed in the treatment are then aimed at removing the underlying problem. The most well-known and extensively utilized herbs include Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemousus), and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis).
The right combination of herbs can help manage menstrual cycles, improve overall health and fitness, revitalize sperm (improving sperm count, morphology, and motility), reduce stress, increase sleep, control anxiety, increase energy levels, stabilize the endocrine system, and improve blood flow in the pelvic cavity, all of which promote fertility.

Stress control

People who are infertile had higher levels of anxiety and sadness, indicating that infertility causes stress. Stress, according to Ayurveda, is a healthy component that helps us progress and evolves by actively exerting our adaptive skills. However, when our body and mind are not balanced enough, stress is left unmanaged, causing tensions in our bodies and cloudiness in our minds.
It is critical to keep a routine, which is often disrupted during a stressful scenario. A physically demanding activity is also an essential component of a well-planned regimen. Yoga's numerous techniques, such as asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises), and Dhyana (meditations), assist us in disconnecting or detaching and retrieving our senses from the outward plane to the inner self, so cutting the root of these undesired anxious thoughts.
The Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic provides the best Ayurvedic treatments in Rishikesh. We boast years of experience, professional doctors, and plenty of praise from our previous patients. Come to the Neeraj Epilepsy Clinic for a consultation where, after a thorough examination, we will decide on the additional treatment needed with the involvement of the epileptic patient.

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